The Florical NewsRepeater system provides a schedule based, live-to-server automated news program record, with “hands-off” segmenting and database logging. Recorded news segments are then available to be scheduled, by the traffic department, on a secondary broadcast channel with new or original spots inserted.
Using a specially formatted event within the AirBossX schedule, each NewsRepeater controls one additional video server encoder port to record the currently airing news program segments. Each program segment is recorded separately. The recorded program segments match the exact duration of the original program segment. The S.O.M and duration of these program segments are automatically entered into the Florical Media Database when the recording ends. The AirBossX schedule can then accurately replay the recorded program segments and insert new or the original spots within the breaks, as a single program replay or on a continuous loop basis.
The traffic Department schedules the replay of these recorded program segments as video server-based playouts by providing the HouseName and the VideoSourceName that the program segments were originally recorded under. traffic personnel will need to provide “nominal” duration for the segments in the traffic schedule. The actual S.O.M and duration of the program segments that will be used for air will be automatically imported from the Florical Media Database and entered into the AirBossX schedule. The total program duration of all of the segments scheduled, both nominal and actual, should be within one or two seconds to allow traffic to schedule the rest of the day with accuracy.